“The Future of Space Research” is a symposium to honour former SRON director Rens Waters, on April 18 2019 at NEMO Science Museum in Amsterdam.
- 14.00: Welcome – dr. Michael Wise, General and Scientific director SRON
- 14.05: Exploring the Universe: Synergies in the ESA Scientific Programme – prof. dr. Günther Hasinger, Director of Science ESA
- 14.35: A Waters Universe: From Stars to Gas to Dust to Us – prof. dr. Xander Tielens, Professor of Physics and Chemistry of the Interstellar Medium, Leiden University
- 15.05: Tea break
- 15.30: Climate change, Earth Observation and the Composition of the Atmosphere – prof. dr. Han Dolman, Professor in Ecohydrology, VU University Amsterdam
- 16.00: Technological Developments in Space: towards smaller and smarter – prof. dr. Henri Werij, Dean Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Delft University of Technology
- 16.30: Closing remarks – prof. dr. Jaap Schouten (NWO Board)
- 16.35-18.00: Drinks & reception
Registration is closed