Category: NEWS & MEDIA

SRON Open Dagen op 5 en 6 oktober 2024

Stap jij in oktober ook in de wereld van het Ruimteonderzoek met SRON Netherlands Institute for Space Research? We houden dan weer leuke open dagen. Op zaterdag 5 oktober bij SRON in Leiden, en op zondag 6 oktober bij SRON, Kapteyn Institute en NOVA in Groningen. Zet ze vast in je agenda! Wat doen we? …

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XRISM Proposal workshop

The XRISM X-ray observatory is a joint effort of JAXA and NASA, with significant contribution from ESA, SRON and University of Geneve.  SRON Netherlands Space Institute for Space Research is organizing a workshop for XRISM Proposal preparation. The workshop will be held at SRON Leiden on February 15th, 2024. Program Morning: 10:30 – 12:00 XRISM …

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Exploring a Dutch contribution to LiteBIRD

LiteBIRD, the next-generation CMB satellite, is set for launch in Japan’s fiscal year 2032,
marking a major advancement in the exploration of primordial cosmology and fundamental physics.
Orbiting the Sun-Earth Lagrangian point L2, this JAXA-led strategic L-class mission will conduct a
comprehensive mapping of the CMB polarization across the entire sky. During its three-year mission,
LiteBIRD will employ three telescopes within 15 unique frequency bands (34-448 GHz), targeting a
sensitivity of 2.2μK-arcmin and a resolution of 0.5° at 100 GHz. Its primary goal is to measure the
tensor-to-scalar ratio r with δr=0.001 or better, including systematic error and margin. If r≥0.01,
LiteBIRD expects >5 sigma detections in the ℓ=2..10 and ℓ=11..200 ranges separately, providing crucial
insight into the early universe. LiteBIRD is also expected to lead many other scientific topics including
the optical depth, reionization, neutrino masses, cosmic birefringence, the hot gas map, CMB spectral
distortions, primordial magnetic fields, and galactic astrophysics.


Overview of upcoming SRON events.

Symposium on Big Science

SRON Netherlands Space Institute for Space Research will organize a symposium in which the value of Big Science will be highlighted in all its aspects: science, technology and innovation. We aim to further raise awareness for the value of Big Science for science and society. Special attention is given to the involvement of the industry. …

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How can we find Earth’s twin sister?