SRON Netherlands Institute for Space Research

Dutch version of Stargazing Live on 3 December

December 3, will see the premiere of “Heel Nederland Kijkt Sterren”, the Netherlands version of the successful BBC program Stargazing Live. This astronomy TV show will be broadcast live from Westerbork, with presentation and demonstrations by Govert Schilling and Jeroen Latijnhouwers from the control room, plus stargazing outside.

Heel Nederland kijkt sterren

It also includes several great-looking science reports by a number of professional astromers from around the country, all at a very accessible level. Further live streams cover submitted fotos, and presenting by Andre Kuipers on Herschel-HIFI.

Overall this promises to be an exciting 1.5h program! The show was made possible by co-financing from NWO, NOVA, ASTRON and SRON. The show will first feature live in De Wereld Draait Door (19:00, NPO1), then start for real at 21:25, NPO1 — on cable or at