SRON Netherlands Institute for Space Research

Innovate Your Space Symposium 2020: Smart Space

After the successful “Innovate your Space” symposium from last year, the TU Delft Space Institute, TNO and SRON host another edition this year on Tuesday December 8th, themed “Smart Space”.

This online symposium will cover topics such as (sub)system satellite, instrument design and production, navigation and control, autonomous step & stare, forward motion compensation for SmallSats and distributed systems, AI for image processing, and data product retrieval.

Throughout the symposium, there will be keynote talks and a (panel)-discussion, as well as researchers showcasing their innovative research in several pitches. This symposium thus provides an excellent opportunity to get an update on state-of-the-art research and challenging aspects for “Smart Space”!

Click here for the programme.

If you want to participate, please send an email to and state how you found out about the event. You will receive an invitation including a Zoom link shortly after.